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3D printed sign language alphabet - a learning resource for everyone

The idea of a 3D-printed sign language alphabet has been in the mind of Cathrine Timm Sundin, Senior Communications Advisor at Eikholt, for some time. She recognised a need for three-dimensional tactile models (3D models) of the various letters in the sign language alphabet for use in training. In collaboration with colleague Rolf Mjønes, Cathrine's hands have been scanned and models of her hands are printed on a 3D printer. Models of different sizes and materials are tested by visitors to Eikholt. Their feedback provides valuable correction and input for developing good 3D models of the letters.

Deafblindness: a combined visual and hearing impairment that affects communication
Deafblindness is a combined visual and hearing impairment of such severity that it is difficult for the impaired senses to compensate for each other. Living with deafblindness affects many aspects of life, including communication and access to information.
Read more about deafblindness here: Deafblindness, Nordic definition
The sense of touch is particularly important for many people to compensate for loss of sight and hearing. The two-handed alphabet, which involves spelling out each word using both hands, and where the recipient reads the letters tactilely, i.e. by feeling their hands, is one form of communication that is used. Although the number of people who want to use the two-handed alphabet is not large, it is crucial for those concerned to be able to communicate and access information.

Effective and optimised learning through tactile senses
Today, the two-handed alphabet is learnt by "reading" other people's hands. This requires time and effort. Other people's hands are also not available for training at all times. If three-dimensional models of the alphabet are available, you can streamline and optimise your own learning by training on your own. This is what the project will contribute to.
The project, a collaboration with the user organisation LSHDB
Support was sought from The Dam Foundation together with The National Association for the Combined Visually and Hearing Impaired/Deafblind, LSHDB. The application was granted in its entirety, and on 22 January 2025, work began on 3D scanning the entire alphabet.
The company already had a Eikholt 3D printer, and a 3D scanner with associated software was purchased. First, a list was drawn up of all the sign language letters in the two-handed alphabet in Norwegian, both dialect variations and different variants of the same letter. This list was informally discussed with Norwegian Association of the Deaf and with several sign language interpreters. After input, a couple of variants of some of the letters were added.
The list contains 158 letters including the Sami special characters and some international letters. Each letter in the two-handed alphabet can be moulded with both hands as the active hand, so almost all of the letters had to be scanned in a right and a left version.

Making the 3D printed sign language alphabet available to everyone
The aim of the project is to help make three-dimensional models of the two-handed alphabet initially available to people who want to learn the alphabet, and to educators for use as teaching materials.
One of the goals of the project is that the tactile models will not only be useful in Eikholt's teaching, but for anyone who wants them. Therefore, the data files needed to print models on 3D printers will be openly available, on Eikholt's website and at LSHDB.com. From the files, you can print the two-handed alphabet in your preferred size, material and texture.
Presentation of 3D printed sign language alphabet at Tactile Reading Conference 2025
The results of the 3D-printed sign language alphabet project will be presented at Tactile Reading Conference in Amsterdam in June 2025. This is a major international conference on tactile reading and tactile models. The conference, together with a final report, is a natural conclusion to the project.
We hope that as many people as possible will benefit from the models and utilise the possibilities that 3D printing offers. The files will be available as soon as they are ready.
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