The Eikholt test is a new audiovisual test of speech understanding that provides professionals with a powerful tool for assessing functional vision and hearing ability. The test contains 600 unique sentences that can be administered by a user-friendly PC programme and presented with or without background noise, and with or without images.

Image of Eikholt. House, garden and trees.

About the Eikholt test

  • The Eikholt test is an audiovisual test of speech understanding that provides professionals with a good tool for mapping functional vision and hearing ability
  • Speech understanding is an audiovisual phenomenon. In short, this means that what and how much we perceive in communication with others is a result of the interaction between sight and hearing.
  • At Eikholt, we find that many people with combined sensory impairments have been refused necessary and appropriate services or assistive technology because they have either seen or heard "too well". This assessment is often based on clinical tests of vision and hearing that lack relevance to the person's actual challenges.
  • We need good functional hearing tests that describe and quantify a person's actual ability to function in social situations. In short, this means that the conditions for the test should be as close to a real listening situation as possible. In this way, the results will provide reliable information about actual function and provide a more comprehensive functional mapping.
  • Eikholt has been working for some time to develop a new, state-of-the-art audiovisual speech comprehension test that has good sound and picture quality, extensive sentence material developed in collaboration with linguists, and can be run without complicated or expensive specialised equipment. See the links at the bottom of this page for more information, including technical data.

Who uses the Eikholt test?

The test was launched at the Eikholt conference on 23 August 2023 and is currently being used by audiographers, audiopedagogues, special educators and others, both in the private and public sectors. During the autumn and winter of 2024/2025, the test will be available at a number of hearing centres and private ear, nose and throat specialists.

Do you want to use the Eikholt test?

The Eikholt test is available to anyone working with vision, hearing and communication. It is available in different versions depending on your needs and how the test will be used. Please contact Rolf Mjønes by email;

Cost of licence

Access to the Eikholt test is based on a licence from Eikholt. The test is free to receive, but there is a fee to cover Eikholt's costs in connection with installation and training. For more information, please contact project manager Rolf Mjønes by email;

Latest news:

Further validation of the Eikholt test at NTNU

2 December 2024: The Eikholt test has already been validated at the University of Oslo (ISP). This winter two students in the audiography programme at NTNU are starting to collect data using the Eikholt test. The students will collect data on the elderly group (70+), which will result in even better norm data for the test.

Project funds for spreading the test

18 November 2024: In the autumn of 2024, the DAM Foundation announced that the project "National dissemination of combined vision and hearing test" will receive funding for the project period autumn 2024 - winter 2026. This means that the threshold for receiving the Eikholt test will be even lower, and that recipients will not have to pay for receiving the test, or for the installation of equipment and necessary staff training. The project was promoted by HLF, which is the responsible applicant organisation. Read more about the project at the website of the DAM foundation.

The Eikholt test version 2.0 will be launched in autumn 2024:

20 August 2024: This autumn, we are making the updated, validated version of the Eikholt test available. In addition to new lists based on norm data from ISP at UIO, the test includes a number of new features and improvements that will make the testing process even more efficient and user-friendly.

Report function.

Now you can generate a detailed report based on the latest test results, including an explanatory text describing the patient's degree of audiovisual gain compared to the normal population. The report contains several information-rich elements to help you interpret the results from the different test conditions.

A screenshot of an audiovisual test report, with bar charts and a text describing the result

Version 2.0 of the test will be made available to all previous recipients of the test and all new recipients will automatically receive the latest version.

Keep up to date with all new features and improvements at Eikholt test version log.

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