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To personer sitter inne i AV-klinikken,. En holder et apparat på fanget. En ser inn i et Phroropter.

Hva er syn og kjennetegn på nedsatt syn?

Synsansen er en av våre fem sanser. En stor del av hjernen benyttes til å bearbeide synsinntrykk. Synssansen oppfatter inntrykk både på svært stor avstand, for eksempel når vi kan se et fjell mange mil før vi står ved fjellets fot, og veldig nært, som rusket på brilleglasset. Synssansen gir oss informasjon om form, farge, avstand, størrelse og bevegelse. Forenklet kan en si at synssansen består av: øyet, synsnerven, synsbanene og synssenteret i hjernen.


Eikholt Conference 2023, Vision and hearing for an active life.

The Eikholt conference is organised in August each year with a different theme. This year, the theme was "Sight and hearing for an active everyday life". The target group for the conference was audiographers, audiopedagogues, opticians, visual educators, special educators or counsellors either privately, in municipalities or specialist health services.

Webinar on assistive technology, organisation and services for people with visual and hearing impairment/deafblindness

On 5 January 2023, Eikholt hosted a webinar for municipal vision and hearing contacts and employees at the Assistive Technology Centres in Norway. The webinar was attended by over 200 participants from all over the country. Presentations and recordings from the day are now available to everyone.

Eikholt Conference 2022 with a focus on mental health

The conference will take place on 24 and 25 August 2022 at Eikholt. The theme of the conference is "How do we safeguard the mental health of people with combined visual and hearing impairment and their carers". The conference will have a health promotion perspective. We promise good professional presentations, time for conversations and good food. The conference also gives NOFEP points for opticians.

Cathrine Timm Sundin in front of a lectern labelled Eikholt

Eikholt Conference on Rehabilitation for People with Combined Visual and Hearing Impairment

The theme of the Eikholt conference 2021 was Rehabilitation for people with visual and hearing impairments - a digital conference. The conference was also a celebration of Eikholt's 40 years of developing services for its target group. Here you can watch recordings and find presentations from the conference:

conference logo

Eikholt Conference - Digital Future

How can ICT help people with deafblindness gain access to an active and social life? Here you will find presentations and recordings from the Eikholt conference 2019.

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