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Eikholt Conference 2024, on person-centred rehabilitation
The Eikholt conference is held in August each year and aims to disseminate relevant expertise related to visual and hearing impairment/deafblindness. This year, the conference was held on 21-22 August as a physical conference with the theme "See and hear me - about person-centred rehabilitation".

Webinar to refresh your vision and hearing knowledge
On 10 January 2024, a webinar was held on the topic of better everyday life for citizens with impaired vision and hearing. The webinar was aimed at vision and hearing contacts in the municipalities, employees at NAV's assistive technology centre, but was relevant and open to anyone who meets people with combined visual and hearing impairment.

Boundless sporting joy - football madness at its best!
The experience of attending a football match has been described by one of the experience consultants in the Boundless Sports Joy project as "absolutely awesome". The project is about facilitating the participation of people with combined visual and hearing impairment/deafblindness as spectators at football matches. The use of haptic signalling, image interpretation, Norwegian sign language and tactile boards has been tested. The project is also about ownership of one's own rehabilitation process - what is important to me.

Døvblindhet er en betegnelse på kombinert syns- og hørselshemming hvor sansetapene gjensidig forsterker hverandre. Døvblindhet betraktes som en egen funksjonshemming. Med døvblind menes en person som har en så stor grad av kombinert syns- og hørselsnedsettelse at det gir betydelige vanskeligheter i dagliglivet.

Haptic communication and guide dogs
Cathrine Timm Sundin, Senior Communication Advisor at Eikholt, in collaboration with Hapti-Co, has carried out a project on the use of haptic communication in the context of guide dogs and practitioners.

Communication for people with combined visual and hearing impairment/deafblindness varies from person to person. The form of communication, the need for distance to the conversation partner and lighting conditions all vary. A combination of different forms of communication is often used.

Usher syndrom, typer og arv
Usher syndrom er en sjelden arvelig genetisk sykdom som fører til kombinert syn- og hørselsnedsettelse/døvblindhet. Usher syndrom er den vanligste enkeltårsaken til døvblindhet hos personer under 65 år. 50% av alle døvblinde under 65 år har Usher syndrom. Usher syndrom er ikke knyttet til andre nevrologiske tilstander, kun nedsatt syn og nedsatt hørsel.

Usher syndrom og mørketall i Norge
Usher syndrom er det vanligste syndromet som fører til døvblindhet, og 50% av alle døvblinde under 65 år har Usher syndrom (Castiglione & Möller, 2022, s. 42). Diagnosen Usher syndrom kan settes på bakgrunn av klinisk funn, eller en genetisk test.

Språkutvikling hos barn som har fått cochlea implantat på begge ører tidlig i livet
Dette er en oppsummering på norsk av en spennende forskningsartikkel som handler om Cochlea Implantat (CI) og språkutvikling hos små barn. Artikkelen er originalt skrevet på engelsk og kan finnes i sin helhet på denne lenken:

BUA-MI - Language development through meaningful activity
This is a project with broad interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral collaboration. The project group from Eikholt has worked closely with the Regional Centre for Deafblindness, Statped South East on tactile linguistics, Engerdal municipality was mainly responsible for the construction of the shelter, BUA-MI, and the PP service in Trysil and Engerdal was a committed partner. Two young men with deafblindness and their teams at school and adult education/housing have been at the centre of the work.