Konnerud originally consisted of five farms. Eikholt was one of these farms that was cleared as early as the 14th century. Where Eikholt is now located, a dam, Hammerdammen, was built in the 17th century, with associated industrial facilities linked to mining in the area.

How did it start? 

There was previously no indication that Eikholt and Konnerud would become key names in Norwegian deafblind history. It is one of history's many coincidences.

In addition to being a skilled craftsman with his own company, bricklayer Olaf Frøiland was also exceptionally socially committed. This commitment brought him into contact with Halvdan Larsen, who was deafblind. With his ability to empathise, Olaf Frøiland quickly saw that what Halvdan Larsen and others with deafblindness needed was a meeting place. Frøiland owned a large area at Konnerud, which he was prepared to use for this purpose. When the idea of a meeting place was discussed, deafblind people considered several locations in the country. In the end, the choice fell on Eikholt. As a result, the 24-acre property was separated and set aside for the purpose of building a centre for the deafblind.

Nothing like this had ever been built in Norway. There were no role models. There was no money either. And like everything new, the project met with resistance from those who believed that this was both megalomania, meaningless and professionally unacceptable. But the money came, not least through the Lions, where Olaf Frøiland was also a driving force. He and Larsen travelled up and down the country to inspire and raise money. At the end of the 1970s, the plans and drawings were drawn up, and finally the spade could be put in the ground to build Norway's first and only nationwide centre for the deafblind.

Eikholt National Resource Centre for Deafblindness was completed in 1980 and opened on 26 August that year by King Olav V.

The way forward

What was Eikholt where it was located with its many modern buildings? What would happen in these buildings and premises? Who was going to use all this? No one had any experience of a national centre for people with deafblindness. In the beginning, many saw Eikholt as a health institution. The participants in the organisation were referred to as "patients". Eikholt rented out 10 flats, and some of the tenants even asked the manager if they could have guests in their own flats. The development took its course and eventually the patients became course participants, the manager became director, a specialised department was established and there was talk of hotel functions and guests. Normalisation was in the offing.

Per Sanne was Eikholt's first director from 1980 until he retired in 2001. In the period from 1984 to 1994, Per Sanne was general manager of Sørvangen Næringspark alongside his work as director of Eikholt.

In the beginning, there was a circadian rhythm like in a nursing home. Today, the circadian rhythm is like that of a hotel. In the early days, deafblind people were transported collectively to and from activities and hubs. Today, individuals get around on their own or with a companion. Life with deafblindness has become far more independent, normalised, self-directed and individualised. All the activities at Eikholt are characterised by this.

From recreation to knowledge and skills

In the late 1970s, Olaf Frøiland observed that deafblind people had a great need for a place where they could come together, and a place for recreation. There was no experience of a national centre. In Frøiland's conversations with people with deafblindness, it was precisely recreation and meeting places that they recognised as a major lack.

Little thought was given to other possibilities. When Eikholt became a reality, it didn't take long for the users of the centre to notice that recreation is good, but they missed activities. The same experience was had with the meeting place function. Everyone knew that it was important to meet, but a new question quickly arose: What would they talk about in the long run? Someone was missing! From these reactions, an extensive range of courses and knowledge production has emerged at Eikholt. These have always been developed in close contact with the users of the site. No one is better placed to say what people with deafblindness need than those who live with this disability themselves.

Today, our training business covers a wide range of opportunities.
New offerings are constantly being added, and some are being discontinued, depending on developments in society and the needs of the target group. The courses provide not only traditional knowledge, but also skills, training, trials and new insights.

Here you can see our facilities

Here you can read about our services

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