Vacant position

Open position as Counsellor/senior counsellor mental health

Application deadline


Position percentage




We are now looking for a new employee who can contribute to the professional work with our rehabilitation/adaptation courses with an emphasis on mental health. 

We are looking for professionals who want to work innovatively with professional and service development and close user contact. Perhaps you also have interests and hobbies that can be utilised in our courses? A desire to work interdisciplinary is a given in this position. 

Two adults and a child sitting at a table

Work tasks: 

  • Development and implementation of customisation courses, individually and in groups
  • Mapping of rehabilitation needs  
  • Mental health training, support and counselling
  • Psychosocial focus in interdisciplinary teamwork  
  • Project work and service development  
  • Systematisation, documentation and publication of knowledge 


  • Health or social work education, preferably with further education at master's level.

It is desirable with:  

  • Teaching experience 
  • Counselling expertise  
  • Sign language skills  
  • Experience with the target group/set loss  

We emphasise:

  • Ability to work independently
  • Ability to collaborate in an interdisciplinary team
  • Flexibility and solution focus
  • pedagogical skills

We can offer:

  • Challenging and exciting interdisciplinary tasks
  • A highly skilled professional environment with high job satisfaction and motivation
  • Participation in national and international professional environments
  • Good professional development opportunities
  • Training in different forms of communication
  • Good pension and insurance schemes in KLP
  • Salary according to agreement

Do you have any questions about the position?

Do you find this exciting and want to hear more about the position and our business? Please contact Head of Courses Hilde Melvold Osen at:

Phone number: 971 89 673

E-mail address:

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Services - Eikholt

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