The Eikholt test has been launched

The day finally came for the launch of the EIkholt test. This took place at this year's Eikholt conference with the theme "Sight and hearing for an active everyday life". Mayor of Drammen Monica Myrvold Berg opened the conference and Rolf Mjønes himself provided an introduction to the test for the audience both in the hall and digitally.
Why the Eikholt test?
The Eikholt test is a new audiovisual test of speech understanding that provides professionals with a good tool for mapping functional vision and hearing ability. The test contains 600 unique sentences that can be administered by a user-friendly PC programme and presented with or without background noise, and with or without images. Until now, the IOWA test has been such a tool, but it has seen its better days both in terms of content and the equipment needed to administer it.
The Eikholt test is a modern audiovisual test of speech understanding
Rolf Mjønes
Test results from the Eikholt test can be used by professionals for applications for hearing aids, visual aids, municipal services and interpreters/companions.
A network of enthusiasts and contributors
In the course of his development work, Rolf Mjønes has met a fantastic network of enthusiastic and knowledgeable people who have contributed in various ways. National Association of the Hearing Impaired and Briskeby and the fact that the Eikholt test is now also being developed in Swedish says something about the potential and need for this test.
Erik Witte, researcher and associate professor at Örebro University and Region Örebro County is behind the Swedish development of the Eikholt test. He showed how they have worked to create the best possible sound conditions in a soundproof room. They have also visually created environments that give the experience of sound in, for example, a church room. It is not impossible that this will provide synergies back to the Norwegian Eikholt test. There is also no doubt that there are new opportunities in further development. Speech training was mentioned, and a large number of other ideas have already been received. It will be exciting to see where the development goes from here.
An evening of celebration
Rolf Mjønes and his work were also celebrated during the festive dinner in the evening. Appropriate praise was given in speeches, and musician Thomas Tvedt created a beautiful setting with great music and singing. It was a wonderful evening that created a truly magical setting for the launch.

Read more about the Eikholt test here: The Eikholt test