Are you a course participant, carer, interpreter or course teacher? In the app, you'll find everything you need to know about coming to us and being with us.

All group courses have their own page (channel) with information. Read the programme for the course, review notes from the course teacher when you get home from the course, and much, much more.

Image of opening image in the app when sharing code Eikholt80 is added

How to find the app

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to get the app:

  • Download the app from App Store
  • Download the app from Google Play
  • Using the camera on your phone, scan the QR code to download the app:  
Scan this QR code to find the app

Use the app info screen go

Open the app, use the + sign and add the page (channel) you want to use with the sharing codes you find below.

  • Eikholt80 is the sharing code to the page with information about coming to us and attending courses with us
  • Interpreter is the sharing code for you as an interpreter/companion
  • All group courses have their own page. The course organiser will give you the page's sharing code before you go on a course.

Remove channel in the app

If you no longer want to see a page/channel in the app, you can do the following:

  • Open the app
  • Scroll to the page/channel you want to remove
  • Select "more..." and remove

Don't want to use our app?

That's perfectly fine. You get the information you're used to.

Would you like to receive information from Eikholt?

In order to do this, we need your consent. You can give this here: Would you like to receive information from Eikholt?

Not sure about something?

We are happy to help you! Get in touch with us. You can find contact information in this link: Contact us - Eikholt

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