National Resource Centre for Deafblindness

Since 1980, Eikholt has provided various courses and services to people with combined visual and hearing impairments, their carers and professionals/service providers.

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Safe - Competent - Creative

Eikholt is a resource and competence centre, with specialists in combined visual and hearing impairment/deafblindness. Our commitment does not stop at course activities and customised services for users. We are also committed to expertise development, research and dissemination. We want to be at the forefront, exploring new opportunities and developing new knowledge that can help change lives.

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Svein Fossum is sitting at a table. Next to him is an interpreter speaking into a roger pen.

Svein is committed to social policy

Svein Fossum lives in Hønefoss. He is known for his involvement in socio-political issues and is therefore not completely unfamiliar with the political world. He is one of the participants in the group course who has discussed and prepared topical issues for meetings with politicians in Parliament. Here he gives you an insight into what such a group course can contain and how he helped to prepare and provide input to politicians from several parties.

Picture of a girl with a dog and text about the date, time and theme of the Eikholt conference

Eikholt Conference 2025 Orientation and Mobility - The Way Forward

Do you meet people with visual and hearing impairments? Do you and they need to know about developments in orientation and mobility? What can we learn from sharing experiences? The Eikholt conference aims to highlight new knowledge and showcase opportunities in orientation and mobility.

A young man sits outside on a lawn with a white cane and a dog.

Optimising visual functions for people with RP

In a collaboration between Eikholt, the University of Southeast Norway (USN) and the RP Association in Norway, the project has aimed to map which measures are used to optimise the visual function of people with RP. During the project period, knowledge was developed by testing selected measures on participants with RP in various stages. The interventions targeted typical challenges associated with RP, including narrowed field of vision (tunnel vision), reduced vision in low light (night blindness), glare and light sensitivity. You can now read more about the project and watch video presentations about RP, the interventions and the experiences.

Two adults and a child sitting at a table

Open positions at Eikholt

We are looking for a new colleague. Are you the right person, or do you know someone who would like to work at Eikholt? We need a counsellor/senior counsellor within mental health. You can read more about the position and apply here.

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